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The Amazing Benefits of Amrithavarshini Hair Oil

The amazing benefits - Nourish your scalp and hair


A few drops of Amritha Varshini Ayurvedic hair oil  gives immense benefits.

Hair growth accelerates



Amritha varshini ayurvedic hair oil contains exotic 15 nutritive herbs like bhringa, curry leaves, amla and  vibheethaki in which are not commonly a part of regular hair care oils available in the market. These herbs provide extra nutrition and anti-oxidants to the scalp and hair roots, strengthening and extending the lifespan of each strand, stimulating speedy hair growth.


Prevents hair fall

The two most common reasons for hair loss are lack of nutrients and dandruff. Amritha Varshini contains  the healing properties of herbs which release a steady flow of nourishment to the scalp and roots. It clears sebum build up in the scalp strengthening weak and brittle hair strands.


Fights against dandruff

The ingredients in Amritha Varshini hair care oil  containanti-microbial and anti-fungal elements that exfoliate the scalp. It moisturises hair follicles and scalp, and maintains the PH value, getting rid of dandruff from its roots.


Stimulates Hair Growth 

16 Exotic Ingredients blended to perfection an Elixir for nourishment to Hair Follicles 


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Tames frizzy hair

Amritha Varshini hair care oil moisturises hair to smooth out frizzes, tangles and keeps hair healthy, smooth, shiny and disease-free.


Keeps hair and scalp disease-free

The miraculous medicinal properties of herbs and richness of coconut oil in Amritha Varshini hair oil  protects hair and scalp against diseases. The concoction is potent to fight against different diseases including:


·A condition called ‘androgenetic alopecia’ which causes a receding hairline, thinning of hair and baldness specially around the crown of the head.

·Alopecia aerata, a condition causing hair to fall out in certain areas due to low immunity and damaged hair follicles.


· ‘Telogen effluvium,’ a temporary hair fall problem arising due to excessive levels of stress and trauma, unhealthy lifestyles, pregnancy and hormonal imbalances and nutrition deficiencies.

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The Science of
Hair and Nutrition


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The Art of Ayurvedic
Oil Application


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Ayurveda Hair Care


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About Amrithavarshini


The  Essence of Herbs 


The Amazing Benefits of Amrithavarshini 


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